Welcome to the Square in a Square quilt piecing technique

Our goal is to get you to the sewing machine quickly. We accomplish this by using a fast, chain piecing method called the Square in a Square technique. We use 1 Ruler and 1 System to make most any triangle unit such as flying geese, half-square triangles, quarter-square triangles, pineapple and 37 other triangle units that we call "Options." Plus we can make each Option in any size that you want.

Welcome to the Square in a Square!

First Product to Own

We recommend a minimum of (2) items to start learning the Square in a Square system. The Originl Ruler plus the main Reference book for the system.

* Original Ruler - everything we do is based on this ruler

* Reference Book, Vol 1 - this will get you going with the first 17 Options (or triangle units) of the Square in a square technique.

See both by clicking the button below.

Click Here
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